Apr 30, 2019
Apr 25, 2019
Pulled from the original interview back in 2018, executive chairman of ShareThis, Kurt Abrahamson gives a quick snapshot of the people in the tech industry from early in his career up to today in a Thrive LOUD Minisode.
Connect to Lou Diamond: www.loudiamond.net
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Apr 24, 2019
Ron Karr is a man for over 36 years has excelled at sales and leadership positions, for which he is recognized as the leading "Sales Success Expert" and has appeared as a guest on national TV including FOX , Bloomberg, C-Suite Newtork and others.
He is an in-Demand Global Keynote Speaker, and Highly Acclaimed Author of
Apr 23, 2019
Tracey Lawrence is a woman of many talents that served clients for many years as a graphic artist. That changed when her parents became ill.
Tracey’s journey as a serial caregiver, to her husband her father and her mother gives her a unique perspective on life and death.
She is the published author of the...
Apr 18, 2019
Alicia Grande is the founder and CEO of Grande Cosmetics with a single product and a vision that every woman should feel glamorous every day.
She has expanded the product line to over 40 products that not provide women with dual functioning ‘cosmetics with benefits’ - which is what her brand is all about.