Sep 15, 2022
An entrepreneur, speaker, and best-selling author, Ron Tite has always blurred the lines between art and commerce. He has been an award-winning advertising writer. He is founder and chief creative officer of Church+State, host and executive producer of the hit podcast, “The Coup”, and executive producer of the documentary film, Fresh Water. He has written for television. Wrote and performed a hit play. Created a branded art gallery. Published an award winning comedy book. And for 5 years, was Executive Producer & Host of the award-winning comedy show, Monkey Toast.
In demand as a speaker all over the world, Ron speaks to leading organizations about creativity, disruption, branding, and leadership.
Ron’s best-selling book Think • Do • Say: How to Seize Attention and Build Trust in a Busy, Busy World is part of the mixture of this Speak Easy Mashup (SEM) Episode, as its paired with Lou Diamond’s Speak Easy in this delicious conversation.
Note to listeners: The use of heroine as detailed in this episode by the host, guest or any other professional speakers and authors mentioned in this episode are highly exaggerated. At least to the knowledge of the crack research staff here at Thrive LouD. Although, it probably would have made more sense to assign this task to the heroine research team instead. Oh well.
Click this link to order a copy of SPEAK EASY