Apr 28, 2018
Gayle Kirschenbaum is an Emmy award-winning filmmaker, TV producer, coach and TEDx visionary speaker. Gayle presents revolutionary seminars about transforming difficult relationships into healthy ones. She has been featured widely in the media including The New York Times, NBC's Today Show, CBS's Early Show, Fox, Miami Herald, the Ladies Home Journal, Washington Post. Kirschenbaum is a member of the National Speakers Association, Producers Guild of America, Womens Media Group, Film Fatales, the founder of Hudson Writer’s Group and is a judge for the Emmys.
Her most recent film - LOOK AT US NOW MOTHER has drawn critical acclaim and is at the epicenter of her "Forgiveness Coaching". Her other films MY NOSE and A DOG'S LIFE have garnered critical acclaim and awards.
Listen to her conversation with Lou Diamond on Thrive LOUD as they dig a bit deeper into her journey, her passion for film, and her ability to forgive...and never forget.